Great New Toy

Yes, it's true that I own more than my share of sex toys, but guys, I have nothing that compares to this. So, I'm taking a survey. This toy - for the lack of a more worthy name - puts all the control in your hands. (Or rather, your one free hand!) You have got to test drive this baby! There is a demo on the site called Control Panel Tutorial. You control all the variables. I would have the toy, but you would be the one that could make it spin, twirl, vibrate and so much more! Verrry user friendly. This is what the advert has to say:
Quote: Once you've set it up you can immediately let anyone you want control your toy! .... Just install the software on your PC, pick a name for your toy, insert some AA batteries and you are ready to go! You don't even need a web cam or web site to use it - or to let someone control your toy. All they need to do is visit this web site, and enter the name of your toy. It's that easy. It's wireless! You don't have be in front of your computer - you can enjoy your toy from the comfort of a nearby bed or couch. The signals are sent via radio-waves from your computer to your Receiver and toy. To get your very own Click Here.
Okay, I have to admit, using this would be putting a lot of control in your hands (which are already pretty full *smile*), but do you think you would enjoy controlling my pleasure? I really want your input (don't say it), so please share your thoughts. I'm trying to decide if it would be worth the purchase price. Of course, I can always explain to Uncle Sam that it was a legitimate business expense.
So, if you want me to have one, you've got to call me like crazy so I can afford it! All contributions accepted *smile*.
Caitlyn @ Sexy Playmate 4 You
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'd like to take more than that toy for a test drive......
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for last night, babe. You were sensational.
No one gives head like you do.
-- Wooster
At 1:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
At 10:33 AM,
Caitlyn said…
No webmaster....just me. But I'm so glad to know that someone is actually reading!
A vote for me on PCS would be really nice too! You know, that little blinkie on the right that reads, Vote For Me? <(hint..hint)
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